Join our team and incredible guest speaker for a timely topic at this hour long lunch-and-learn. Free for awesome Sponge clients.
It is Online | 29th September at 12pm Brisbane
Social enterprises are an innovative type of business that provides specialist support for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable communities, sitting at the mid-point between a traditional charity and a mainstream business. Purpose is at the heart of a social enterprise, but it can be hard to quantify or explain. Social Traders certification provides Australia’s only independent verification of social enterprises and aims to elevate the social enterprise sector in Australia by clearly identifying social enterprises from other businesses and providing assurance that the sector is genuinely delivering impact through trade.
In this session, you’ll learn more about the social enterprise model and why it’s catching on globally, Social Trader’s certification framework and process, and the benefits of being a social enterprise member of Social Traders.
Hosted by Georgina Cohen, Head of Certification at Social Traders, who are the trailblazer of Social Enterprise Procurement in Australia. Social Traders connect certified social enterprises with business and government members to help support and grow a thriving social enterprise sector that significantly contributes to a more inclusive and equitable Australia.
They are monthly lunch-and-learn sessions hosted for our team and our clients’ teams we all hum together even greater! It is hosted by Sponge over Zoom on the last Thursday of each month (excluding holidays), and we bring in an amazing guest speaker (like Georgina!) to facilitate an important topic.
Free for Sponge clients! You will have been sent a code to use at the checkout to make it so. Non-clients are welcome to attend by purchasing a ticket at the advertised price.
All funds generated through ticket sales are donated to our current Double the Goodness grant recipients. At present there are two:
Detour House Inc, a wonderful organisation that provides accommodation and care to women and girls in the heart of Sydney through two services – Detour House and The Girls Refuge.
Scriibed, an early-stage, female-founded business providing professional transcription and engaging vulnerable women in safe, secure, and flexible employment, wrap-around supports, and partnered programs.
It is only through the awesomeness of Sponge clients that we are able to help amazing impact organisations such as these. Together we are able to help amplify their brands, so they can do even more good in the world. On behalf of team Sponge, thank you for being awesome.
Check out the lineup of events at Sponge.