What if this year ahead, your brand didn’t just stand out, but effortlessly pulled in all the awesome people you could ever want? That’s the [read more…]
How Culture “Done Well” Secretly Cost Us $100,000s Confession time. This was a hard earned and very costly lesson for me and Sponge. I will [read more…]
What Else is Changing at the Sponge? We’ve finally developed a new project page framework to celebrate the awesome brands we’ve worked on. But, it’s [read more…]
Our totally unforeseen, but perfectly timed brand change. How does a simple 3 letter word lead to a rebrand? The little word I am referring [read more…]
When Mende Seljanovski decided that his company’s brand needed a face lift, he came straight to The Sponge team. Mende approached The Sponge with a [read more…]
For many the turning point when your brand starts failing to accurately represent the business passes by unnoticed (to those in charge) like a cloud [read more…]