Free 3 Day ElectroMagnetic Brand Challenge

Mon 13th November 2023 10:00 am - Wed 15th November 2023 - 11:00 am GMT+10

Get Step-By-Step Help Turning Your Brand Into An Electromagnet For Awesome People, For Free

Every brand is a living organism, not just a collection of colours or a catchy slogan. It embodies a unique ethos and story, whether by design, or left to chance.

When this story is infused with purpose and impact, the brand becomes a force with an ElectroMagnetic pull – attracting the right people and opportunities effortlessly. Over 22 transformative years at Sponge, I’ve witnessed this power firsthand.

The Pain of Business As Usual

If you feel like your business has been battling constant internal challenges, whether it’s hiring misaligned team members or struggling with dwindling team morale, then it’s time for an ElectroMagnetic epiphany. Just like our Sponge team underwent a revitalisation with a purpose that ignited passion and unity in the team, so can your business.

As a branding agency we don’t say this lightly: Good design is table stakes. It is the price you pay to play today. You simply have to look the part, to make the cut.



But it is meaning that is magnetic. This is what makes people stick, beyond the good design. And for that, a brand needs to be firmly anchored by its How and Why, its Culture and Impact. Then all this meaningful goodness needs to be masterfully shared through brand storytelling.


Why Join the ElectroMagnetic Brand Challenge?



Enter our ElectroMagnetic Brand method and its framework of Culture, Impact and Storytelling. It is inside out branding, and the game changer businesses need today to thrive. Because superstars crave meaning today, as do your effortless customer audience.

Over three days we will go step-by-step through the ElectroMagnetic Brand method:

Day 1: Find Your Attractor Factor

Make your brand irresistibly appealing to the superstars you’ve always wanted.

Day 2: Power Up Your Team’s Productivity

Journey through the art of transforming your brand into a compelling crusade to join.

Day 3: Resonate With Your Effortless Audience

Decode the narrative technique that resonates deeply with your effortless audience.

It’s not just about attracting the right clients but also having a team of nothing-but-superstars who are aligned, thriving, and driving your brand’s purpose forward. As our clients experience with this method, embedding purpose, impact, and storytelling into your brand can create seismic shifts in business trajectories.



At the heart of this challenge is a boundless curiosity and mission to help businesses harmonise profit with purpose. Imagine a world where your brand not only magnetically attracts its ideal audience but forges lasting connections, making them stick for good. This is the true essence of an ElectroMagnetic brand.

What To Expect:

At 10am each day from Monday 13th November through to Wednesday 15th November, we will host a 1 hour live training via Zoom for you to attend. It will be streamed live to the private Facebook Group.

You will be granted access to the private Facebook group where all your questions will be answered. We will provide you unlimited, dedicated and purpose driven support throughout the challenge there.

We will also provide an ElectroMagnetic Brand playbook for the challenge. This has all the frameworks and plug and play templates for you to define and map your effortless audience.

What you will do:

You will attend the live training sessions and gain from our proven processes. You will participate and ask questions in the group to get clarity. You will do the work and you will learn what it takes to transform your brand into an ElectroMagnet for aligned superstars, so you can escape the stress of attracting and retaining superstars.

While this is free, if you do the work, it can be transformative! When you value it as though you invested money in it. 🙂

We know you are time constrained

The challenge is concise at three days because we know any longer could be an impossible commitment. We encourage the live attendance for maximum benefit, however there will be an opportunity to catch replays if you can’t make a session.



The Challenge is Free… So What Do You Have To Lose

It depends if you want to measure it in money, time, or fulfilment.

Measuring it financially, the answer is massive, considering the cost of bad hires is huge! You will have seen that in our ElectroMagnetic Brand Webclass.

As for time, the next 3 days will be filled with effort on your behalf. This challenge not only teaches you the framework, but helps you implement it… meaning you’ll be saving time accomplishing what you’d have to do in the future anyway.

Finally, the fulfilment you’d experience from turning your business into the awesome, ElectroMagnetic brand it can be is more than worth the time investment.

So right about now, you might be thinking, “this sounds too good to be true!”

But rest assured…

There Is No Catch

I know, it sounds crazy that I’m creating and offering this challenge for FREE.

To be completely transparent, we’ve packed as much value as possible into this challenge with the intent that you’ll love it, get awesome results, and want to continue working with us down the road.

You can only get results if you put in the work, so I’m expecting you to show up and apply what I share, to maximise your success.

Sound fair?